Notre dernière séance hier pour le cours “Éléments de Projets” des étudiants en 3è année de génie civil du cursus Construction et Infrastructures a démontré l’intérêt des jeunes pour un sujet tellement d’actualité qu’est la reconstruction pour le relèvement des communautés vulnérables touchées (très fréquemment) par les aléas climatiques tels les cyclones. La moitié des…

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Version complète de l’article parue dans la version digitale des Nouvelles de Madagascar par Tiana Ramanoelina “Privilégier les dessins d’apparats à la garantie structurelle d’un bâti est un risque (…) l’architecture est d’utilité publique*, et le professionnel privilégiera toujours la sécurité de l’usager sur le choix de la couleur du carrelage.” Après l’obtention de mon…

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as usual this thread is undergoing and will be continously updated as I discover more and more Stories within the History Since I enjoyed so much discovering and sharing the stories of the Princesses, I went on exploring the paths of our Princes who became also somewhat Pirates in their own ways and rights. The…

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#throwback#architecture2016 This article, a draft written on June 14th 2016, just popped from “Notes”. I never got to share it. I wrote it on the train back from the 2016 La Biennale di Venezia of Architecture. On my way to Roma heading to Toulouse before going home to Madagascar. As I am reflecting on my…

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en faisant quelques recherches sur les origines du Code des 305 de Ranavalona II en 1881, j’ai croisé des publications sur le sujet dans les Omaly sy Anio, heureusement mis en ligne, mais je n’ai pas encore vraiment une idée claire de l’esprit du temps, profils et ambitions des rédacteurs de ces textes, transmis durant…

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The first colour I thought of for Madagascar was a pinkish tone. The pink hue of a collection of houses in a particular village I remember seeing. But I hesitated… something about that pink felt too artificial to truly represent what Madagascar is to me. I began my hunt for the true colour of my…

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septembre 2019, durant le lohataona bien sûr, nous passions beaucoup de temps à sensibiliser sur des thématiques #architalks comme la transition énergétique, la construction durable, la préservation du Betsimitatatra et des amis venaient s’arrêter à Mahamasina le temps d’un bref échange et des nems et des THB. C’est là dans cette ambiance que débute le…

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#thread#manjakamadiana#architecture#madagascar 27 years ago an unsolved arson swept away 4 centuries of architecture and culture heritage on the highest point of Analamanga at the Rova of Antananarivo royal complex. It is interesting to learn (and wikipedia helps a lot as a start point) what was left to be burnt were only 11 from the 20…

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I’m excited to announce that my artwork “The Twist, Turns and Tones of Madagascar’s Seasonal Awakening” features in “Colours of Africa“, curated by Google Arts & Culture and Design Indaba. A celebration of the vibrant arts scene featuring 60 contemporary artists from across the continent.See it here: many many many thanks toDesign Indaba@Google Arts…

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There have been many questions about multiple “disruptions” suffered by the source cosmogony of the architecture of Madagascar. Architecture Gasy awaits its theories and as demonstrated by my fellow architect-researcher Louisette Rasoloniaina (free transcription of her intervention): “Let’s go back together to the source, retrace our route and try to decipher the syncretisms that made…

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I am experimenting innovative design, and when given the opportunity, integrate all aspects of the architectural process: master planning, formal architecture, interior design, landscaping, furniture design and branding. Sustainability is also a major aspect of my practice while taking into consideration tropical environment, affordable and reliable building materials as well as effective ventilation principles.I have…

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I am Malagasy. Architect Member of the Order of Malagasy Architects and Graduate Member of the Royal Institute of Architecture of Canada. I am very proud to have joined these 2 institutions and I always make it a priority to encourage good practices, sharing and ethics. I have 4 children and I have been…

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Young H. is preparing for a diploma and wants to find out about my profession. I didn’t have time to meet him (because big week of “Affordable Housing” sessions ongoing). as I’m more interested in the architectural practice of anonymous natives from 1896 to 1960, I don’t have nothing very original to share on the…

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There is no school of architecture accredited by the International Union of Architects in Madagascar (pop. 27,690,000). There has not been enough lobbying with teachers, institutions and authorities to rigorously resolve this deficiency in a definitive way. Education recognized by the UNESCO-UIA Charter is a body of trainings (including lectures and workshops) that will have…

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“Normal Science, the activity in which most scientists inevitably spend almost all of their time, is predicated on the assumption that the scientific community knows what the world is like. Much of the success of the enterprise derives from the community’s willingness to defend that assumption, if necessary at considerable cost. Normal Science, for example,…

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#architecture#Madagascar I am heading towards my 4th year as a Teacher for 3rd-year Civil Technician at the Institut Supérieur de Technologie in Antananarivo. Full disclosure : I am not teaching Architecture but “Techniques de Construction appliquées à l’Architecture” following our code of ethics but more specifically MALAGASY WOOD ARCHITECTURE. Here a few examples of their…

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TRANO Architecture was founded in 2014. TRANO’s projects comprise a series of private/public commissions and collaborations with Madagascar-based architects, who are well-recognized for their achievements in the field of Architecture and Design throughout the Indian Ocean region. Project types range from luxury resorts to social housing, shops, religious institutions and public buildings. visit our website for more

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comme quoi les petites histoires dans la grande Histoire peuvent nous emporter dans des périples sans queue ni tête mais qui au final nous permettent d’appréhender le monde autrement. de mon île isolée du bout du monde, on ne se permet pas beaucoup de loisirs et encore moins d’échanges intellectuels à moins d’appartenir à tel…

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ou la recherche de l’Utopie , d’une Terre Promise à Madagascar par un diplomate américain et activiste des droits civiques entre 1891-1895 à la veille de la colonisation française les fautes d’orthographe, liens des sources et références sont en cours de mise à jour car j’ai retracé toutes ces histoires à partir de cet épique…

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I am still half way through Michele Rakotoson’s Ambatomanga book and since I needed more background informations specifically regarding Malagasy past on Slavery and our fights against any kinds of colonization, I ended up NOT finishing her book but also got entangled into the most amazing human social adventure possible. I began the journey in…

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Ce pays comme beaucoup, d’autres de par le monde et pas seulement les pays du Sud, a pris la ligne idéologique de trier les faits historiques et, le manque de gros bon sens, de matériel et de moyens financiers aidant, en est arrivé à dilapider le reste de patrimoine qui a pu assimiler au fil…

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I know that I should only talk about House and House obviously about Trano Gasy all the time but people should also understand the link between the Land, the status of women and the status of property in Madagascar. in 5 minutes (or later) I will post on Diego and Tamatave where we had developed…

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His rebelliousness fits the archetype of a free black who refused to exist in a state of subjugation and resorted to subversive activities to guarantee his survival. Sometimes his captors and jailers valued his skills, but more often, his spirit of independence was resisted by the authorities. His survival on four continents from Madagascar to…

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I will not share pictures or media articles about latest heartwrenching headlines. obviously everybody thinks it happened far far away in some remote region where nobody goes. I am very sad to wrong everyone and will bring this to my personal experience (since you have noticed everything out here is all about me.myself.I and my…

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(…) At the end of the 19th century a new architectural fashion arose in Scandinavia based on traditional wooden houses. This romantic movement came to be knowns by the name of Dragistil (Dragon Style), a reference to the dragon heads that used to adorn Viking ships. The STRØMMEN TRÆVAREFABRIK outside Oslo, established in the year…

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#architecture#madagascar parce que mon dernier post sur la Pratique de l’Architecture à Madagascar a fait pleurer 3 ou 19 individus dans la place, je voudrais partager en toute neutralité les conditions d’admissibilité dans les pays où j’ai pratiqué (Madagascar et Canada) et je resterai très encyclopédique sur les autres cas. Lien de l’article frisant le…

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Mon parcours en Architecture n’est ni brillant, ni exemplaire, j’ai juste réussi des études typiques et surtout très pragmatiques. Si en 2022, maintenant rentrée définitivement à Madagascar, je ne cesse de prôner l’initiative de créer une École d’Architecture au pays c’est que je considère qu’il ne faille pas être “un enfant de…” avec des mentions…

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I was lucky enough to be a very proud owner of Colors Magazine July 1991 1st publication. I got it for free when shopping at UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON (still my favourite brand). we were back in the US for the summer staying at Boston College Campus. I was just 9 at that time but…

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Part I In the course of a conversation, Bekoto Paysans ** told me that his grandmother collected webs used to weave clothing made of the Hala Bé that she left to reproduce near the house. This story haunted me for months, if not years. how could we like exploit spiders to make gold thread? in…

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I re-discover this gem of an article and de fil en aiguille I found Blank on Blank series. I feel fulfilled now. full circle. back to Go. Ladies and gentlemenBoys and girlsThe chocolate roomHold your breathMake a wishCount to threeCome with me and you’ll beIn a world of pure imaginationTake a look and you’ll seeInto…

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…. when Malagasy architects had their place in Malagasy society. I insist on these 2 expressions “Malagasy … in… Malagasy” because in the year of grace 2022, us architects are no longer considered as architects, nor Malagasy, nor have no more a place as a Madagascar-born-bred practices (whatever that means btw) in our own country.…

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#land#madagascar Tany mena tsy mba mirehitraThe red earth isn’t on fire, it just looks like itMalagasy proverb tous les soirs depuis quelques jours (maintenant 18 mois) je partage dans un très long feed sur Twitter de mes découvertes et recherches sur la situation foncière des paysans de Madagascar car je ne suis qu’une architecte avec…

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ceci est une collecte de stratégies, notions et procédures testées à travers le monde et dans l’Océan Indien ____________________________ Définitions Participation Publique (Decision Making) La participation désigne les procédures, démarches ou tentatives faites pour donner un rôle aux individus dans la prise de décision affectant la communauté ou l’organisation dont ils font partie. La participation, représentant tout…

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Congratulations you have wonIt’s a years subscription of bad puns.And it makes your story our concernAnd you set it up for returnsMy opinions. Mmm. Mmm. (x4)And there seems to be a problem here.Your state of emotion seems to clear.You rise and fall like wall street stockAnd you had an affect on our happy talk.Our opinions.…

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#workshop #sustainability #architecture #Madagascar In September 2020, our journey led us to delve into the realm of traditional construction. Today, I’ll take you through how our small, yet mighty, shoe-box office, fueled by an exceptional team of designers and skilled technicians, embraced an economical and environmentally-conscious approach in our work. It all began with a…

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Article 152 The Fokonolona, organized in Fokontany within the Communes, is the basis of the development and of the environmental and socio-cultural cohesion. The responsible persons of the Fokontany participate in the elaboration of the program of development of their Commune. – Madagascar’s Constitution of 2010 La POSTURE est difficile. littéralement. le site est à…

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#history parmi les plus anciennes photos de Mahamasina, se retrouvent toujours celles avec le Fokontany d’Amparibe-Avaratr’Imahamasina en arrière-plan. pour parler “pundit de l’urbain” : ce quartier est très très hachuré en rouge dans le ZPPAUP, genre il est même zone de sauvegarde, un site important quoi. un très vieux fokontany du IVè arrondissement en somme.…

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A querencia is a place the bull naturally wants to go to in the ring, a preferred locality…It is a place which develops in the course of the fight where the bull makes his home. It does not usually show at once, but develops in his brain as the fight goes on. In this place he feels…

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ANTANANARIVO, MADAGASCAR Montant investissement : 152 M€ Nombre de voyageurs par jour : 28 000 à 38 000 Coût du trajet : 4 000  Ariary  24 Février 2021 : Approbation du projet par le Conseil des Ministres + Attribution du Projet au groupement COLAS/POMA (informations fournies le 14 Décembre 2021 en Session Publique) cours…

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ceci est une collecte de stratégies, notions et procédures testées à travers le monde et dans l’Océan Indien ________________________________________ Définitions Due diligence is the investigation or exercise of care that a reasonable business or person is normally expected to take before entering into an agreement or contract with another party or an act with a…

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proceeding from the bottom or beginning of a hierarchy or process upwards. bottom up approach is the piecing together of systems to give rise to more complex systems, thus making the original systems sub-systems of the emergent system.

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j’ai croisé ce post ce matin sur le mur du groupe ARTS,CULTURE, Vie Communautaire à Antananarivo Madagascar et comme j’ai rien à faire à part rédiger des kilomètres de cahiers de charges et touça, j’ai creusé un peu sur le quotidien des malgaches pendant la petite phase “British” durant la 2è Guerre Mondiale. Ce petit…

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#architecture #madagascar #sustainability #photoduplateaudelihorombeoùjinxpasmaisonaimeraitymonterunbeauprojet TRANO Architecture team is back on the road. Some towards the South, others to the East and in the coming weeks the North and Mid-West.Why is that ? We have decided not to limit our commitment to the development of Madagascar to Tananarive Center-Ville or Ilafy (we have had a lot…

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Ambohibary Sambaina dans le Vakinankaratra une des vallées les plus fertiles du pays qui nourrit Antananarivo de fruits, légumes et de riz. Je n’ai que des certitudes sur le devenir de ce pays magnifique qu’est Madagascar. Plus de 550 000 km2 de ces cultures, collines, plaines, forêts et des rivières oh la la que de…

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well sorry for this one it will indeed be very much Netflixed and Disney Plused since we are, in most parts of the world and in my mind surtout, all stuck online not socializing therefore slackhtivisting our best out of this pandemy. in the XXIst century, Hamilton is Latino, Jefferson is Creole, Alexandra Schuyler is…

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Je prépare en ce moment mon 1er grand article à paraître dans un magazine architectural de renommée internationale. pas de pression. c’est ma 4è collaboration à des ouvrages ou des travaux avec des maisons d’édition et des entités étrangères. je suis pas mal fière je l’accorde. le boulot est énorme. au début je n’y comprenais…

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Mes cousins proches viennent de perdre leur grand-mère et je voulais reposter cette photo de notre rue pour célébrer nos grands-mères centenaires qui ont vécu presque toute leur vie au coeur d’Antananarivo. La rue Colbert, que j’ai connue comme étant la Rue Paul Dussac du nom du colon communiste qui a préparé les malgaches vers…

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Isn’t it rich? Isn’t it queer? Losing my timing this late in my career But where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns Well, maybe next year

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Ce réflexe de préservation, qui est en soi, du protectionnisme est totalement compréhensible. Antananarivo n’a jamais reconnu ses habitants comme un Tout homogène et uni. Il est logique que cette crise, d’autant plus sanitaire attachée d’un stigmate social fort, vide les poches populaires de la ville. A l’heure qu’il est, nous avons les familles de…

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