

hotrany mbola tsy nirodana ny Trano….

To be recognized as part of an architect’s exceptional skills, one must include steadfast consistency, meticulous rigor, and a dedicated focus on performance. The structures we create don’t merely spring from initial sketches or dialogues, but also from the rich tapestry of knowledge we’ve woven since embracing architecture as our chosen path, since our commitment to the Art of Building. Hence, the new logo for @tranoarchitecture is a fusion of all elements, spanning both time and space. It embodies a sketch crafted from the strokes of the past, firmly rooted in the now, while anticipating the possibilities of tomorrow. And this convergence, indeed, is a thing of beauty.

picture 1 : ‘lightscapes’ by transsolar and anja thierfelder, 2016 Biennale di Venezia

picture 2 : construction site ex-Atelier SICAM Analakely

picture 3 : Trano Kotona wooden facade at Ambohijanaka Lapa

picture 4 : Family’s Trano Gasy in Mahamasina

picture 5 : cozy afternoon during Lohataona season with Crooners Musicians Edgar Ravahatra and Bekoto

picture 6 : wood shack in the courtyard for the Fondation des Aires Protégées pour la Biodiversité de Madagascar in Antsakaviro, humblest yet most sophisticated design we built yet

picture 7 : notes from my Color Hunt submission for Google Arts and Design Indaba

picture 8 : TRANO Architecture new logo

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