then Tranovola disappeared for good
Buildings of Manjakamiadana : from the mastery of majestic wood to the agglo all cement concrete block because the blue galvanized sheet metal at the Zafimaniry's had not been enough to destroy our architectural heritage of Madagascar we still had to sink it deeper into the abyss. https://www.facebook.com/jogany/posts/pfbid02J7xxPg6w3eHZaxeyVuP2CJ3vhE5YRgBemmsrNEkjTUyvzTQSUE66ixgaYoMYxsGZl
I am experimenting innovative design, and when given the opportunity, integrate all aspects of the architectural process: master planning, formal architecture, interior design, landscaping, furniture design and branding. Sustainability is also a major aspect of my practice while taking into consideration tropical environment, affordable and reliable building materials as well as effective ventilation principles.I have gained work experiences at different architectural firms in Canada and Madagascar. Trained in Urban Planning, I, then graduated in 2007 with a Master’s degree in Architecture from the École d’Architecture de l’Université de Montréal. I am now taking an active part at promoting Architect Profession around the country engaging in think tanks and working groups on contextual topics ranging from my involvement with local communities as well with government institutions.